Welcome to Kalilamodow's Projects!


account button

This is is collection of a bunch of my webapps. I guess it kinda counts as a portfolio. Most of them are just front-end, but some of them also have a backend. This thing is running on an AWS Lightsail instance, with a Flask/uWSGI webserver.

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Projects Down arrow


  • kxyz: The account system for this website. Note: click the account icon in the top right to access it.

  • ytdl: YouTube downloader. Uses PyTube on the backend with a simple REST API.

  • Bank Manager: Create your own economy!

  • ktranslate: Simple English -> Spanish translation app.

  • Email Client: A personal email client for - you guessed it - sending emails. Not public, requires a username/password.



  • simfs Web Demo: A demo SPA for the simfs library. Has a basic code editor, saving/loading, and a pretty good file explorer.

  • grapple battle: Multiplayer game that actually works (looking at you, tmr). No self-hosting anymore!

  • code editor: A simple code editor for TypeScript - built with Shiki. Supports tabbed editing and syntax highlighting.

  • Cornell Notes Maker: An app for making cornell notes. Made for school. It's also on GitHub

  • Clock: A digital clock. The main part isn't really the clock itself, it was the theme selector.

  • List Creator: A simple app with React that you can make lists in.

  • Terrible Minecraft Ripoff: a terrible minecraft ripoff. I was learning Unity/C#, and this was the result.

  • Schnoogle: Google, but better. It uses Google's programmable search engine.

About me Down arrow

Favorite color: Cyan -> magenta gradient
Programming Language: tye scrip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  1. Coding
  2. Reading
  3. Sleeping
Sport Hockey
Food Anything yellow

Links to stuff Down arrow

Suggestions/Help at [email protected]